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This book "Hâshiyatu Shaykhzâda alal-Baydâwî" consists of four volume. This annotation is the most valuable one of the commentaries of the book “Anwâr at-tanzîl” written by Hadrat Abdullah Ibn ‘Umar Baydâwî is on the margin of each page: This "Hâshiyatu Shaykhzâda" was written by Muhammed Effendi. He passed away in 951 [A.D. 1544]. The fact that, among the hundreds of others, this interpretation and its annotation is the best one, was reported by sayyeed Abdulhakîm Arwâsî, the great Islâmic scholar and professor. He preached that book in many mosques in Istanbul for years. The book is in Arabic.



This work, Al-îmân wa’l-islâm, originally was written in Persian under the title I’tiqâd-nâma by Hadrât Mawlânâ Khâlid al-Baghdâdî, a profound ‘âlim of Islâm and a specialist in ma’ârif of tasawwuf. Hâji Faydullah Effendi of Kemah, a khalîfa of great walî Mavlânâ Mahmûd Sâhib, the brother of the author, translated the book into Turkish and named it Farâid al-fawâid which was printed in Istanbul in 1312 A.H.[1894]. Our bookstore had it translated again from the Persian original into Turkish and, some explanations and three chapters, published it with the title Imân ve Islâm in 1966. German, French and English versions are also published by our bookstore. This book, which we now publish in Arabic, explains five fundamentals of Islâm, six fundamentals of îmân and the contemporary information about the matter and refutes those who are against Islâm and those who are lâ-madbhabî.



This book, Nukhbat al-laâlî, is the Arabic explanation of the renowned qasîda, Bad al-Amâlî. This qasîda is made up of sixty-seven distiches. Our Probhet declared that Muslims would part into seventy-three groups, and that only one of them would have the correct beliefs; he even named this group. The Qasîda-i Amâlî explains the beliefs of this correct group called Ahl as-sunna wa'l-jamâa in an explicit and splendid language. This qasîda has explanations in various languages. The Nukhbat al-laâlî is the most valuable and the most useful of these explanations. Of old, every religious savant would memorize this qasîda. This qasîda was written by Sirâjaddîn Alî Ûshî, the Muftî of Ferghana city of Turkistan. He passed away there in 575 (1180)



This work, Al-Hadîqat an-nadiyya, was written by ‘Abd al-Ghanî an-Nabulusî, a great scholar of Islâm who passed away in 1143 A.H. (1731). It is an annotation of Muhammad al-Birghiwî Effendi’s work At-Tarîqat al-Muhammadiyya. The original, in two volumes of more than a thousand pages, was published in Istanbul in 1290 (1873), and the second edition was a photostatic reproduction done in Pakistan in 1396 (1976). The present volume, the first 400 pages of the original edition, explains that it is necessary for Muslims to live up to Al-Qur’ân al-karîm, to the Sunna, to the ijmâ’ al-Umma and to what the mujtahid scholars reported, that other religious teachings which are not taken from these four sources are called bid’at, and that those who commit bid’at are destined to disasters. It also praises as-Sahâba al-kirâm and the prominent scholars in the knowledge of tasawwuf, refutes the fallacious, false shaikhs and explains the six fundamentals of îmân. ‘Ilm (knowledge), ‘ulamâ’ (scholars) and the possessors of taqwâ are also evaluated well. The text is arabic.



This book, ‘Ulamâ al-muslimîn, is made up of selections from five valuable books. It was published in 1976 by our bookstore. Now it has been reproduced. The five valuable books are as follows:

1-The introduction of the well-known book of fiqh, Al-Mizân al-kubrâ, by the great Islâmic savant Abdulwahhâb-i Sha’rânî; it has seventy-seven pages. It tells about the four madhhabs, and affirms that Muslims have to follow one of them.

2-The selection, fifty-six pages, from Yusuf Nabhânîs book, Shawâhid al-haq, exposes that the beliefs held by the famous man of religion named Ibn Taymiyya and his eccentric followers, Wahhâbîs, are wrong, and that they have been destroying Islâm from within.

3-The book Aqâid-i Nasafiya, which communicates Islâm’s knowledge on îmân most correctly, and which is esteemd very highly by the savants of Ahl as-sunna, has four and a half pages.

4-Five pages from the Arabic translation of the fifty-fifth letter of the second volume of the book Maktûbât, written by Imâm-i Rabbânî Ahmad Fârûqî, the great Islâmic savant and the leader of the specialists of tasawwuf. All the commands and prohibitions enjoined on past ummats exist in the Qur’ân. The imâms, leaders, of the four mahhabs found them in the Qur’ân, and explained them. They may have erred in their explanations, but it has been declared that even those who folow their erronecus explanations will be given thawâb. None of the commands and prohibitions in the Qur’ân has been left outside these four madhhabs. Three-fourths of them are in Hanafî madhhab.

5-A letter by the great Walî Mawlânâ Khâlid Baghdâdî, who passed away in Damascus in 1242 [1826]. It is of six-teen pages. It is Huseyn Hilmi Isik’s handwriting. It is tells about tasawwuf.



This work, Fatawa al-Haramain, was written by great Ahl as-Sunna scholar of India Ahmad Ridâ Khân Barilawî, who passed away in India in 1340 A.H. (1921). These heretics whose beliefs are deviated but who carry Muslim names and were declared to be destined for Hell in the Hadîth al-sharîf are refuted, and the beliefs of Islâm are reviewed correctly.



This volume consists of five work:

1-The first one is the book Hadiyyat al-mahdiyyîn by Yûsuf Akhî Chelebi, an Ottoman scholar. It deals with a part of the things that cause disbelief (kufr) and of major sins. Two pages from the book Al-Ikhtiyâr by Abdullâh ibn Mahmûd, the qâdî of Kufa who passed away in Baghdad in 683 A.H. (1284), and several pages from the books Bah ar-râiq and Radd al-muhtâr are appended.

2-The second one is the book Al-Mutanabbi al-Qâdiyânî that covers the fundamentals of a new religion called "Qâdiyânism" or "Ahmadiyya" which was founded by Mirza Ahmad Qâdiyânî in India in 1296 A.H. (1880). Though its believers claim to be Muslims, all scholars of Islâm has concluded that they are non-Muslims.

3-The third one is the book Khawanat al-Islâm, in which Ahmad Qâdiyânî's words causing disbelief and his ideas are reported in quotations from his own books and are refuted. Also, the section on "Qâdiyânism" of the book Târikh al-madhâhîb-il-Islâmiyya is appended.

4-The fourth one is the book An-nisâl ash-shafawiyya. The author, Husain Muhammad Effendi, a mudarris and an âlim, rebuts Qâdiyânism.

5-The fifth one is the book Al-jamâat at-tablîghiyya,which reports that the movement called "Tablîgh-i jamâ'adoes not belong to Ahl as-Sunna and that its members hold the Wahhâbî belief.

The whole text is Arabic.



There are five sections in this book.

The first of them is (El-munkiphu min ad-dalâl) written by a great savant of Islam, Imâm-ı Ghazalî. It gives answer to Greek philosophers and praises Islamic knowledge.

The second is (Iljam al-avâm) that is also written by Imam-ı Ghazali. It explains that the lâ-madhhabîî - those without a madhhab - are in the wrong path and gives answer to them. (Ahl as-Sunna madhhab’s Imams (in îman) are Ebû Mansûr Mâturîdî and Ebûl-Hasen Eş’arî; there is no such Ahl as-Sunna madhhab as Salafî.)

The third is (Tuhfet al-erîb) written by Abdüllâh-ı Tercümân who was a priest before he became muslim. It inspects the religion of Christianity and shows wrong places in Four Gospels.

The fourth section consists of selections from (Rûh al-bayân) and is a precious writing about Christianity.

The fifth is (Tuhfet al-ussâk) – a book of tasawwuf by Ibrâhim Fasîh Hayderî.



This book, Muhtakhabât, contains hundred and ninety four letters selected from hadrat Imâm-i Rabbânî Ahmad Fârûqî's Maktûbât.

Imâm-i Rabbânî was born in the city of Serhend in India in 971 [1563 A.D.] and passed away there in 1034 [1625 A.D.]. The book Maktûbât was written in Persian and later it was translated into Arabic in 1302 [1885 A.D.] by Muhammad Murâd-i Kazânî, and printed in the city of Mecca with the name Durar-al-maknûnât in 1317 [1899 A.D.]. The first volume of the book Maktûbât contains three hundred and thirteen letters, the second volume contains ninety-nine letters, and the third contains hundred and twenty-four letters. Because the information given in most of these five hundred and thirty-six letters expounds the hâls and ma'rifats of the Awliyâ, there is the danger that they may be misunderstood. For this reason, hundred and ninety-four letters containing information on îmân and worships were selected to make up this book, Muntakhabât.



This book, Mukhtasar ut-Tuhfat-il-isnâ ashariyya is a shortened form of the book Tuhfa. The book Tuhfa was written in Persian by Abd al-azîz ad-Dahlawî, one of the ulamâ of India. One of its copy existing in the Library of the University of Istanbul has been published by offset by our bookstore. It deals with the birth of the heretical path called Shîî or Râfidî, its partition into groups, the harms done by its followers to Islâm and to Muslims and the real aspects of its heretical beliefs. This volume, Mukhtasar, was prepared in Arabic by Mahmud Shukru Âlûsî, one of the scholars of Baghdad.



The firs part of this volume, An-Nâhiyatu an-ta’ni Amîr al-mu’minîn Mu’âwiya, was written by Mawlânâ ‘Abd al-‘Azîz Farhârawî, one of the scholars of India who passed away in 1239 A.H. (1824). It proves with documents that we have to love and respect all as-Sahâba including Hadrat Mu’âwiya. The second one, Al-Hujaj al-qat’iyya, reports the debate between the great scholar of Baghdad ‘Abdullah as-Suwaidî and the Shî’ite scholars in Nejef and the former’s refutation of the Shî’ites; in conclusion, Nâdir Shah gave-up and repented of being Shî’ite and ordered all Persians to become Sunnî. This was not the union of Shî’ites and Sunnîs but the giving up of Shî’ism to unite in the unique right path of Ahl as-Sunnat. And now, all Muslims in every country have to unite in the unique right path, that is, they have to be Ahl as-Sunnat. Political and economic agreements and union are possible, necessary and beneficial, but without union in i’tiqâd (belief), Muslims cannot be united in religion. The last one, Arabic version of the Persian book Risâla Radd-i Rawâfid by hadrat Imâm-i Rabbanî, gives advice for the Shî’ites.



This book consists of two parts. First is the book Khulâsat-at-tahqîq fi bayân-i hukm-it taqlîd wat-talfîk which states that every Muslim has to read and learn the book of ilmihâl (fiqh) of one the madhhabs; Hanafî, Shâfî'î, Mâlikî, and Hanbalî, adapt his worships and all his daily life to it, that he has a choice of one of these four madhhabs, and proves by evidences that those who say that these four madhhabs are needless, or that it will be good to join a couple of them together, are wrong. This book was written in 1086 [1674] by the great Islâmic savant Abdulghanî Nablusî, who passed away in 1143 [1731]. Its first edition by our bookstore was published in 1974. The second book Hadîqât-an-Nadiyya is the explanation of the book Tarîqât-al-Muhammadiyya which was also written by Abdulghanî Nablusî.



This book, Al-Minhat al-wahbiyya, was offsetted in 1971 and in 1974 by our Waqf. Now it has been reproduced once more. The book contains six pamphlets:

1–The pamphlet Al-Minhat al-wahbiyya explains how the dead hear and how they show karâmats.

2–The pamphlet Ashadd al-Jihâd defines ijtihâd and mujtahid, tells about the imâms of the four madhhabs, and affirms that it is necessary to follow one of them.

3–The pamphlet Kashf un-nûr tells about the Awliyâ and karâmats.

4– The pamphlet Tanwîr al-halak tells by examples that it is permissible to see souls and angels.

5– The pamphlet Tadhakkur-al-âthâr informs with the prayers prescribed by our Prophet and the âyats which are protective against paralysis caused by genies.

6– The pamphlet Tanbîh-al-gabî informs with the greatness and the superiority of hadrat Muhyiddin-i Arâbî, and defends him against those who have not understood him.



This book, Al-Basâir li-munkir it-tawassuli bi-ahl-il-maqâbir, was written by Mudarris Hamdullah Dajwî, one of the greatest Islâmic savants in Pakistan. He writes almost all the beliefs of Wahhabism, and proves with evidences that they are wrong and corrupt. Wahhabis have been striving to make Muslims all over the world Wahhâbî by spending the money of tax which it collects from the hadjis entering the country every year and the millions of dollars it earns from petroleum. Reading this valuable book, those men of religion who were trapped by the wahhabite propagandas done with this gigantic monetary power and dissented from the true way of Islâm, realize that they were deceived, do penance, and embrace the real îmân communicated by the savants of Ahl as-sunna. Moreover, the book affirms that every Muslim has to folow one of the certain four madhhabs, that anyone who does not follow one of them or who conjoins the four madhhabs, by choosing the easiest parts of the four will have dissented from the Ahl as-sunna, and that a person who is not Ahl as-sunna is either a miscreant or a disbeliever. The book is very valuable and has been commended by the savants all over the world. It was written in Arabic in Pakistan, and was offsetted by our bookstore.



This book consists of five parts. The first part is the book (Fitnat al-Wahhâbiyya), is a passage from the second part of the book (Al-Futuhat al-İslâmiyya), which was written by Hadrat Ahmad Bin Zaynî Dahlân. This passage was offset printed by Hakîkat Kitabevi in 1975 for the first time.

The second book, (As-Sawâ’iq al-Ilâhiyya), was written by Sulaiman bin Abdulwahhâb, the brother of the founder of Wahhâbism, Muhammad Bin Abdulwahhab. This book was first printed in Iraq in 1306 [1888].

The third book, (Sayf al-Jabbâr), was compiled by Fadlur-Rasûl, one of the savants of India, and was first printed there in 1260 [1849]. The book was written by Islâmic savants in Mecca in 1221 [1806].

The fourth book, (Suyûfullah-il ajilla bi madadi yamîn-i mujâhid-il milla) contains various fatwas about tawassul (having recourse to Allahu taâlâ).

The fifth book, (Nahj-us-Sawiy fi-r Raddi alâ Sayyid Qutb wa Faisal Mawlawî), was published by (Jam’iyyat-al-Mashârî’) in Egypt, and informs that Sayyed Qutb is a lâ-madhhabî.

All the five books explain how Wahhâbism, the official religion of Saudi Arabian State, appeared, expose its wrong and heretical aspects disagreeable with Islâm, and warn Muslims lest they should take to this way of heresy and perdition.



This book consists of three sections namely (Tathîr al-fuâd), (Shifa as-siqâm) and (Intisâr al-Awliyâ). The book Shifâ was first published in Egypt in 1900 (1318 A.H.). Now the last edition has been pinted by our bookstore for our esteemed readers. All three sections of the book refute the corrupt beliefs of the heretics. Besides, it states that Muslims must follow one of the four Madhhabs, that the awliyâ’ possess karâmât, the rules about visiting graves, and that belief in hearing of the dead is necessary. The book is in Arabic.



The book (Fajr as-Sâdik was written by Cemil Sidkî Zehâvî – one of the savants of Baghdad. It was published in 1323 (Gr. 1905) in Egypt. Cemil Sıdki Effendi gave ‘ilm al-kalâm lessons at the University of Istanbul. He died in 1355 (Gr. 1936). A picture of him exists in the book (Muncid) published in 1956. To the end of the book attached are the books (Diyâ as-sudûr) and (En-nukûl ash-sher’iyye) – the latter written by Mustafâ Şattin.



There are three booklets in this work:

1-Al-Habl al-matîn, explains the corrupt believes of the sect called wahhabî and refutes them. It informs that it is a must for Muslims to follow one of the four madhabs, and the awliyâ have karâmats, and to visit graves and one should believe that the dead hear.

2-Al-'Uqûd ad-durriyya, explains some questions of fiqh.

3-Hidayat al-muwaffiqîn, by Muhammad Bawa Wiltorî, an Indian scholar. It gives information about as-sahâba, and explains the bid'ats and bid'at-owners, and refutes the corrupt believes of those called Wahhâbî, Mawdûdîyyûn, and Tabligh-i Jamâ'at.

The text is Arabic.



The book Khulâsat al-kalâm fî bayân-i umarâ il-balad-il-harâm, was written by Ahmad ibn Zaynî Dahlân, a great savant, and a Muftî of Shâfî'îin Mecca city. He passed away in Mecca in 1304 [1886]. The book recounts, how the Wahhabite beliefs, which form the offical religion of Saudi Arabian government, appeared, how the sons of Su'ûd bedabbled the cities of Mecca, Medina and Tâif for spreading these beliefs, how they plundered the treasury in the Masjid-i Nabawî, and proves by evidences that the beliefs called Wahhabism, which today's Saudi Arabian Wahhabîs has been trying to spread in every country through the bribable, ignorant men of religion which they seized by dispersing billions of dollars in many parts of the world, has been destroying Islâm from within, and warns Muslims against it.



This book consists of two works;

The first one is the book At-Tawassulu bin-Nabi wa bis-Sâlihîn which was written by Abû Hamid bin Marzûq in Damascus before the cruel heretics called Nusayrî invaded Syria. It quotes ibni Taymiyya's heretical writings and refutes them.

The second book, titled At-tawassul, was written in Pakistan. It recounts how allâma Muhammad Habiburrahman ilâhâbâdî, one of the great ulamâ of India, during his expedition for hadj, said that it was wrong to accuse Muslims, who have recourse to our Prophet and the Awliyâ for intercession with polytheism, and how they, unable to answer him, beat him, and deported him out of Mecca two days before the Arafa, and explains in full detail what tawassul means. Both books are in Arabic.



This book consists of four parts:

1. Ad-Durar as-saniyya fir-raddi ’ala'l-Wahhabiyya, was written by the great savant and mufti of Shafi’i in Mecca, Ahmad bin Zayni Dahlan, who passed away in 1304 [1887].

2.Nur al-yaqin was written in Bangkok in 1345 [1927].

3.The booklet Hujjat al-Qatia, was written by Mawlana Muhammad Mahbub al-Haqq Ensari.

4.The booklet Dalail al-hujaj was written by Qadi Habib-al-Haqq Farmulawi al-Mardani.

All of the four books recount how today’s Wahhabism in Saudi Arabia appeared, and prove by examples that it is wrong and miscreant. They inform that the fitna of Wahhabism has been demolishing Islâm from within, and warn Muslims against it.



This work, Sabîl an-najât, was written by 'Abd ar-Rahmân Kutty, one of the great scholars in India, a professor at the University of Iringallur and a cadi. The first edition was a photostatic reproduction by our bookstore in 1977. Now the second impression is presented. The author writes that there are twenty and thirty million Muslims in the Kerala and Madras states on the Indian Peninsula respectively, and that they all are Ahl as-Sunna Muslims with genuine Islâmic beliefs. He reports that, in the last fifty years, Wahhâbîs and the hypocrites of Jamaat al-Islâmi led by the heretical, false beliefs of Maudoodi of Pakistan have penetrated among these pure Muslims to corrupt their beliefs and rites, to disunite them and to destroy Islâm from within. The Wahhâbî heretics receive a lot of financial aid from Saudi Arabia, and the followers of Maudoodi from the British. The Muslim scholars have founded an organization called Semesta, Islâmic universities and thousands of secondary schools to protect the Muslim youth against corruption and disunion. The author is a great scholar member of Semesta. He gives some of the heretical beliefs of the Wahhâbîs and of the followers of Maudoodi, refutes them one by one and defends that, in order to be a true, real Muslim, it is necessary to learn Islâm from the books of one of the four Ahl as-Sunnat madhhabs. The text is Arabic.



This volume consists of six books, namely, Al-Insaf, ‘Iqd al-jîd, Al-Miqyâs, Al-Masâ’il al-muntakhaba, At-Tankîd wa’t-tardîd and Zâhîrat al-fiqh il-kubrâ. All these books relate that the Muslims in the world are grouped in four madhhabs, which are valid and true, that the difference among them remains only in religious practices and insignificant matters, that their beliefs are the same and that they have one another as brethren. They also strees that parting of Islâm into four madhhabs in deeds and practices is nothing but a favor and grace of Allahu te’âlâ, that every Muslim should choose one madhhab which he considers to be appropriate for himself and that he should perform his religious acts only by following this madhhab. The first two were written by one of India’s most outstanding scholars, Ahmad ibn ‘Abd ar-Rahîm Walî-Allah Dahlawi, who wrote many invaluable books and passed away in Delhi in 1176 A.H. (1762). The last three books were written by one of the leading Pakistani scholars, Qâdî Habîb al-Haqq Parmûlî. The very last one called Dhakhîre was written by Tâhir Muhammad, a leading Mâlikî scholar from Sudan.



This book consists of the text called (Al-Mu'taqad) and its explanation (Al-Mustanad). The text was written by Fadl-i Rasul Badâyûnî, one of the great scholars of India, in 1270 (A.D. 1854). The well-known scholar Ahmad Rida Khan Barîlavî wrote an explanation of the text in 1320 (A.D. 1902). He passed away in 1340 (A.D. 1922) in India. The book informs about those things which have to be believed in, in order to be a true Muslim, and is called the Ahl as-Sunna belief. The book states that there have been many corrupt and deviated beliefs which are away from the true belief narrated through Rasulullah and the Ashab-i Kiram. Corrupt men of religion were the isidious enemy of Islâm and the book refutes their belief through strong documents and calls for all Muslims to unite in the Ahl as-Sunnat belief. The book says that peace of mind, bliss and being away from Hell could only be achieved by standing united and informs that Allahu ta'âlâ commands unity in îmân and i'tiqad.



This book consists of two parts:

The first part, namely the book Al-Ustâd al-Mawdûdî, informs that contents of Pakistanî writer Abul a'lâ-Mawdûdî's books written in various languages and translated into Turkish are partly his personal heretical and corrupt thoughts, that such writings are disagreeable with the books of Islâmic scholars, and that they bring harm to their readers and interior destruction to Islâm. The second book, Kash-ush-shubbha anil jamâ'atittablîgha, divulges that the people called tablîgh-i jamâ'at are in a heretical way. The books are in Arabic.



This book Kitâb al-Aymân, is the photocopy of a part of the third and the fifth volumes of the book Radd al-Muhtâr which consists of five volumes, by hadrat Muhammad Amîn Ibn al-Âbidîn; which were printed by Bulaq printhouse in Egypt in 1272 [1856]. It teaches how to make an oath, kinds of oath, and how to do penance for a broken oath. In addition, it gives information on votive offerings, and states that in Islâm, jihâd does not mean to kill, burn and destroy, but it means to invite all people to live brotherly and in comfort in this world and in the hereafter and to form beautiful habits, and that it is necessary to obey governments and laws and sinful to revolt. It informs that those who bear Muslim names and pass for religious men but who are miscreant, bad tempered, incendiary, sectarian and lâ-madhhabî are more harmful to Islâm than disbelievers are.

The book better known with its brief name Ibn Âbidîn, is reputed to be a most dependable and reliable book of fiqh in all Muslim countries. It has served as a source for the fatwâs of true religious men. Must of the religious information given in Endless Bliss and in our other English and Turkish books has been taken from this book. The page numbers given in our books are those of the versions printed in Bulaq printhouse.



The first part of this work, Al-fiqhu alal-madhâhib al-arba’a deals with wudu' (ablution), ghusl (bodily ablution), women's dressing and menstrual state, masah on mests, tayammum, times of salât, adhân, and the fards and sunnas of salât according to each of the four madhhabs. All Muslims on the earth have to carry out their 'ibâdât, every kind of behaviors and words and their relations with one another by following one of these madhhabs. 'Ibadât and actions done without following any of these madhhabs or done by mixing them with one another is not sahîh (valid). These four madhhabs hold the same îmân, the same beliefs. This common îmân of theirs is called the madhhab of Ahl as-Sunnat wa'l-Jamâ'a. In order to be able to follow one of the four madhhabs, one's îmân has to be compatible with the madhhab of Ahl as-Sunna beforehand. The Muslim whose îmân does not agree with Ahl as-Sunnat is called a man of bid'a. Our Prophet declared that none of the 'ibâdât of such people would be acceptable. The text is Arabic.



This book, the second volume of Al-fiqhu alal-madhâhib al-arba’a, explains the last parts of the subject of namâz and the learnings of fasting and in each of the four madhabs separetely.



This third volume of the work Al-fiqhu alal-madhâhib al-arba'a deals with the halâl (permitted) and harâm (forbidden) kinds of the things eaten, drunk, worn or used, oath and the recompense for breaking an oath, vowing, buying and selling in Islâm, the ways of earning halâl money, and the kinds of lending money and interest according to each of the four madhhabs. One who wants to be a true Muslim and a beloved servant of Allâhu ta'âlâ should learn these orders well and do his affairs in accord with them. The text is Arabic.



This book, Fatâwâ 'Ulamâ' al-Hind, comprises the four fatwâs issued about the khutba of the Friday prayer by the scholars of Islâm in India. The Wahhâbîs in those countries where Arabic is not spoken deliver the khutba along with the translation into their native languages and also force women to perform the Friday prayer. The four fatwâs in this book report that this behaviour of the Wahhâbîs in wrong and state, at the end of the book, that the prayer performed by following the îmân who is seen on the television or whose voice is heard on the radio is not valid, along with some other fatwâs.



This is the book Barîqa, vol. I, by Muhammad Khadimî, who died in 1176 in Konya, which is an explanation of the book At-Tarîqat al-Muhammadiyya by al-Imâm Muhammad al-Birghiwî.



This book is of two parts. The first one includes selected writings out of the book Barîqa, vol. II, by Muhammad Khadimî, who died in 1176 in Konya, which is an explanation of the book At-Tarîqat al-Muhammadiyya by al-imâm Muhammad al-Birghiwî. It relates the good moral qualities of the Islâmic religion. The second part is the book Manhal al-wâridîn, by Muhammad Amîn Ibn âbidîn, one of the savants of fiqh in Hanafî madhhab. The book is an explanation of the book, zukhr-al-mutaahhilîn. It gives information on women’s menstruation and lochia periods, that is, monthly and after a child-delivery bleedings. It also states the acts that are harâm, prohibited, for such women, and that they must performs ghusl ablution as soon as the period ends



This volume contains two work:

The first one, As-Sa'âdat al-abadiyya, was written by 'Abd al-Majîd ibn Muhammad al-Khânî, one of the scholars of Damascus. It gives information on tasawwuf and tells the life-histories of some famous scholars of tasawwuf.

The second work, Al-Hadîqat an-nadiyya, too, is on tasawwuf. It states that tasawwuf is the branch of knowledge established to purify the heart from bad moral habits ant to ornament it with good qualities, and there are various ways to achieve it, and the Naqshabandiyya among these ways is the easiest and the most effective way. The text is Arabic.



This work consists of three sections:

The first section is the book (Miftâh al-falâh). It was summarized by Sulayman Fâdîl Efendi from the book (Tarîkat-i Muhammadiyya) of Imâm-I Birghiwî. It praises being of good morals.

The second section has two booklets namely (Khutbat-i-iyd-il-fitr).

The third section is the book (Luzûm-u ittibâ` madhâhib-il-aimma). It was written by Muhammad Hâmid, a preacher and a lecturer at the Sultân Mosque of Hamâ city of Syria. It gives detailed information about the Hanafî Madhhab and it proves that it is wâjib to follow one of the four madhhabs.



This work contains the book, Shir'at al-islâm and its explanation, Mafâtîh al-Jinân. The text was written by Rukn al-Islâm Muhammad bin Abû Bakr, muftî of Bukhârâ (d. 573 A.H, 1178 A.C.). It was explained by Ya'qûb bin Sayyid 'Alî (d. 931 A.H, 1525 A.C. in Bursa). It gives information on how to perform some of the 'Ibâdât, the virtue of learning knowledge, the necessity of doing favour and helping everybody. The text in Arabic



This book Al-Anwâr al-Muhammadiyya is an abridged edition of the well-known book Al-Mawâhib al-ladunniyya. It contains information about the life, miracles and excellent character of our Prophet. A chapter from the explanation of the book Al-Mawâhib al-ladunniyya by Muhammad bin Abdulbâqî Zarqânî, dealing with special blessings granted to the followers of Muhammad alaihissalâm, is appended to the book.



This volume is a part from the end of the great scholar of Islâm Yûsuf an-Nabhânî's great work Hujjat Allâhi 'alal-'âlamîn, which comprises of more than a thousand pages and has been published many times. This volume was photostatically reproduced by us first in 1974. Now a new impression is presented. It covers the miracles of our Prophet, the excellencies of the scholars of Islâm and of the specialists in tasawwuf, enlightenment from the blessed soul of our prophet, the signs of the Last Day and the extraordinary states of the awliyâ'. The text is Arabic.



This volume consists of three work. The first one, Ithbât an-nubuwwa by Hadrat al-Imâm ar-Rabbânî Ahmad al-Fârûqî as-Sirhindî, explains what prophethood is and proves that Hadrat Muhammad ‘alaihi ‘s-salâm is the Prophet. It also tells at length that the Qur’ân al-karîm is the Word of Allah. This work has been translated into Turkish, English and French and published by our bookstore.

The second one, Dawlat al-Makkiyya by Ahmad Ridâ Berilewî, one of the scholars of India, conveys the miracles (mu’jiza) of Hadrat Muhammad and his high degree in knowledge. The third one relates the hostility of Communism againt religion and national unity. All the three books are in Arabic.



This work, An-Ni'mat al-kubrâ, deals with the much heavenly reward in reciting the mawlid for our Prophet and gives a history of mawlid recitation. The unjustness of Ibn Taimiyya and similar heretics' disapproval of mawlid recitation and of some of the teachings clarified by the Ahl as-Sunnat scholars is also explained. The first edition was photostatically reproduced by our bookstore in 1977. Now the second impression is presented. The text is Arabic.



The book, Tashîl al-Manâfi’, and the annexed parts don’t consist of any Ottoman incriptions. They report the important diseases and the plants which cure them.



This work, Ad-Dawlat al-'Uthmâniyya by Ahmad ibn Zainî Dahlan, one of the great scholars of Mecca the Blessed and a Shâfi'î muftî, gives an account of the foundation, extension and partition of the Ottoman Empire and writes about the Ottoman rulers' service to Islâm, justice and excellent morals. Besides, it tells about the disunionist Wahhâbite movement, its heretical followers, enmity against Islâm and barbarous attacks at the lives and properties of the Muslims of the Arabian Peninsula and of the pilgrims from Muslim countries, about the Ottoman Turks' prevention of this disunionist movement and restoration of the harms and destruction they had done, and about disunionist, destructive actions of the reformers in Islâm and of the non-madhhabite people who have appeared after the fall of the Ottomans. The text is Arabic. The first edition was published in 1304 A.H. (1887)



This book, Kitâb as-salât, contains the âyats (verses of the Qur'ân al-karîm) and the du'âs (prayers) that are recited while taking wudû (ablution) performing salât, fasting, and sacrificing animals.

In Kitâbu mawâqît as-salât, the begining of the makrûh times of the five daily salâts and the subject of Istiqbâl-i Qibla are reported from reliable books of fiqh; the calculations and formulas of all of them are explained with demonstrative calculations in wasatî (meansolar) and adhânî (of the adhan) times. The tables of the equation of time (ta'dîl-i zamân), the declination of the sun (mail-i shams) and (the amount of tamkîn) for various locations according to their latitudes and highest places and (Qiblâ angles) are also appended.



This book, Marâh wa awâmil, teaches the grammatical rules of Arabic. It was published in various dates in Istanbul. Being reproduced by offset by our bookstore first in 1975.



This work, As-sawâ'iq al-muhriqa, was written by one of the greatest 'ulamâ' of Islâm, Ahmad ibn Hajar al-Makkî, who passed away in Mecca in 974 A.H. (1566). He was in the Shâfi'î madhhab and an eye-apple of the Ahl as-Sunnat Muslims. Great 'âlim Sayyid Abdulhakîm-i Arwâsî praised him frequently and said, "Ibn Hajar al-Makkî's words and writings are documentary and evidental in all the four madhhabs." This work is composed of two parts. In the first part, it is proved by âyats and hadîths that Hadarât Abû Bakr, 'Umar, 'Uthmân and 'Alî were the rightful Caliphs with their excellences and that we have to love and esteem all the Sahâba; it is written that the Shî'ites belittle most of the Sahâba, similarly attack at the Muslims of the ahl as-Sunnat and, therefore, become holders of bid'a, keep themselves in a heretical, wrong path and give harm to Islâm much. The second part, famous with the title 'Tat'hîr al-Janân', covers the subjects that Hadrat Mu'âwiya and 'Amr ibn 'Âs were among the great ones of the Sahâba, that they served Islâm much and gives very useful, necessary explanations about the fights between the Sahâba.



This work contains three booklets. The first one is Al-Haqâ'iq al-Islâmiyya fi'r-raddi 'alal-mazâ'im il-Wahhâbiyya, which was written by Mâlik bah bin Dâwûd, Director of Madrasat al-'Irfân in Koutiala, Republic of Mali, Africa, in 1403 [1983 A.D.] In this book, he states that, though Muslims have been divided into various groups, in the course of history, they all called one another "Muslims", that the Wahhâbîs, who came about two centuries ago, say "unbelievers" or "polytheists" for all the Muslims who do not folow their path; he advises them that they should not be excessive and disunionist as such. The author documents with âyats and hadîths that Islâm commands uniting and cooperation. The second booklet contains the articles published by the Tunisian government against the Wahhâbî people. The third booklet takes in the answers to the Wahhâbî people by Ahmad Babe one of the scholars of GHANA in West Africa. All these three booklets are Arabic.



This work, Nûr al-Islâm, was written by Ustâd ‘Abd al-Karîm Muhammad (rahmat-Allâhi ‘alaih), a Mudarris at the Madrasa of Sayyid ‘Abd al-Qâdir al-Jîlânî (qaddas-Allâhu ta’âlâ sirrah), in the city of Dâr as-salâm (Baghdad) in the Hijrî year of 1397, which coincided with 1977. It covers the six fundamentals of îmân and proves the Existence and Uniqueness of Allâhu ta’âlâ and the existence of angels and genies. It tells about the life in the grave, the Paradise and the Hell, and it states that, to be a true Muslim, it is fundamental to study the books of the ‘ulamâ Ahl as-Sunnat, and that following in their footsteps means following in the footsteps of Allah’s Messenger. Besides, it emphasizes that âdam (‘alaihi ‘s-salâm) was the first man and the first Messenger, and ‘îsâ (‘alaihi ‘s-salâm) was the son of a woman named Mary (Hadrat Maryam). It tells that he is a man and a Messenger of Allah. It also states that it is jâ’iz (permitted) and thawâb (meritorious) to visit the graves of our prophet and awliyâ’, that the prayers said by making them intermediaries (wasîla) will be accepted, that they, too, are the means of obtaining material and spiritual benefits as living human beings are, and that, in order to attain to Allâhu ta’âlâ’s favours, it is necessary to work, to make use of the means and to be good-mannered and respectful towards both the living and the dead.



This volume consists of five parts: The first one is As-Sirât al-mustaqîm, written by Haydari-zâde Ibrâhim Effendi, who passed away in 1299 A.H. (1883).

The second part covers the initial thirty-two pages of the book As-Saif ath-thaqil, which was written by 'Allâma Ustâdh Bakr ibn Sayyid 'Umar and puplished in Egypt in 1313 A.H. (1897). They refute Christianity and prove that none of the present four gospels of the Bible is the genuine Injîl the original book of the Prophet 'îsâ's (Jesus), and that each of them is a history book written after 'îsâ's ('alaihi's-salâm) ascension.

The thirt part is Al-Qawl al-sabt, which was written by 'Abd al-Qâdir al-Iskandarânî in refutation to the book Al-Aqâwil al-Qur’âniyya, which was written by a Protestant priest and published in Egypt. The former book was printed the first time in Damascus in 1341 A.H. (1923).

The fourth part is Khulâsat al-kalâm fi tarjîhi dîn al-Islâm written by Yûsuf an-Nabhânî: It deals with the necessity of being Muslim in order to live in comfort and peace in this world and to escape burning eternally in the fire of Hell in the next world. The fifth part is Al-Akâdhîb al-cadîda al-Nasraniyya



This work consists of four parts. The first one is the book (Ar-Radd al-jamîl li ilahiyyati ‘îsâ bi sarîh il-Injîl), which was written by al-Imâm Muhammad al-Ghazâlî. Robert Chidiac translated it into French and puplished both the parts in Paris in 1939. In this book it is proven, with documents that ‘îsâ (‘alaihi’s-salâm) is a human servant and messenger. 

The second part is the booklet (Ayyuh al-walad), again by al-Imâm al Ghazâlî. The third one consists of the letters chosen among the ones in the book (Maktûbât) by Imâm-i Rabbânî. The fourt, part is the Arabic translation of the foreword and final word to the Turkish book (Seâdet-i Ebediyye).



This book, Tarîq an-najât, was written by Muhammed Hasan Djan, one of the Islâmic savants in India and a descendant of hadrat Imâm-i Rabbânî. The book gives lengthy information on wisdom, tells about the four sources of religious knowledge, termed Adilla-i arba’a, the six principles of îmân and the five fundamentals of Islâm, states that it is necessary to follow one of the four madhhabs, defines good and bad habits, and quotes two hundred and eigtheen of Ahmad bin Atâullah-i Iskenderî’s utterances on tasawwuf. A pamphlet telling about Qadâ and Qadar, namely Risâlat at-tanwîr, has been appended to the book. The book was written in 1349 [1931], and was published in India. Forty-two letters, chosen among the ones in the book Maktûbât by Muhammad Ma’sûm-i Fârûqî, were added to the book. Also, the books Al-Aqâid as-sahîha fî-tardîd il-wahhâbiya and Al-Usûl al-arba’a fî-tardîd il-wahhâbiya by Muhammad Hasan Djan have been reproduced by our bookstore.



This work, Al-Qawl al-fasl, written by Muhammad ibn Bahâ'addîn, is a sharh, an annotation, of the book Al-Fiqh al-akbar by Al-Imâm al-a'zam Abû Hanîfa. Books dealing with what Muslims should do and abstain from are called "fiqh books". Books covering things that are to be believed are called books of "fiqh al-akbar", "kalâm" or "aqâ'id". Many 'ulamâ' have annotated Al-Imâm al-a'zam's work. Al-Qawl al-fasl is the most invaluable and must beneficial among all. The author, Muhammad ibn Bahâ'addîn passed away in 956 A.H. (1549). In the book, scientific responses are given to ancient phylosophers and to heretical Muslims and non-madhhabite such as the Mu'tazila, Shî'îs and Wahhâbîs, and it is proved that the belief of only those true Muslims called "Ahl as-Sunnat" is genuine. The original manuscript of the book is at the Suleymaniyye Library, Istanbul.



The book (Jâliyet al-akdâr) was written by a great savant and Walî Mevlânâ Hâlid-i Bağdâdî "rahmatullahi alayh". It informs about 99 holy names of Allâhu ta’âlâ and the names of as-Sahâbat al-kirâm at Bedr and says salavât to our prophet "sallallâhu alaihi wa sallam". Those of as-Sahâbat al-kirâm whose names are crossed out died for Islam at the war of Bedr. Taking refuge behind the respect and value of these names and sâlavât-ı shariffs he prays for the health and well-being, peace and serenity of himself and those who read this book and all muslims. As those who read this book will have read the prayers inside it they will be blessed as well.



This book Confession by a British spy, translated from the book (Mudhakkarat al-Mister Hempher) which was puplished in Cairo by (Dâr al-kitâb is-sâfi), consists of the memoirs of Hempher, one of the thousands of spies, men or women, send to Islâmic countries by Ministry of the British Colonies, to demolish the Islâmic religion. In this confession, the spy, Hempher, disclosed the lies and slanders fabricated by the Ministry; how he had deceived Muhammad bin Abdulwahhab, the founder of Wahhâbism; how he had strived to divide Muslims into groups and to corrupt their religion.



There are eight sections in this book. The first one, (Gâyat at-tahqîq wa nihâyat at-tatqîq) was written by Muhammad Hayât Sindî. It answers some fiqh problems of the Muslims of Haramain (Mecca and Madina). The other sections, which were written by other authors, are about some belief and figh matter. The last one consists of selected hadith ash-sharifs from famous (Arbaîn) of (Imâm-i Nawawî).


59-AL-MA’LûMâT AN-NâFî’A

This book (Al-Ma’lûmât an-Nâfi’a) was written by Ahmad Jawdat Pasha: He was born in 1238 (1823 A.D.), and passed away in 1312 (1894 A.D.). His books Majalla and Qisas-i Anbiyâ are also well-known. This book deals with usûl and aqâid information of Islâmic knowledge. It also contains the booklet (Ar-Raddu alal-harakât at-tashihiyya fil-Islâm) which was compiled from the most valuable reference books and is a refutation for those who tried to reform the religion.



This wok consists of two booklets. The first one, Misbâh al-anâm answers the Vahhabite ideas. It was written by ‘allâma Seyyid Alawî bin Ahmad, one of the scholars of Hadramut.

The second one, Javâz at-tawassuli bin-nabî, written by Sayyid Ahmad Zaynî Dahlan, deals with intercession with Rasulullah and visiting his grave.



This book is composed of two booklets. The first one, (Ibtighâ al-wusûl li-hubbillâhi bi-madh ar-rasûl), informs that it is very thawab to praise our Prophet, other prophets and walîs; and refutes with proofs the claims of those aberrant people who allegate that reciting mawlid is an ugly bid’at (deviating from the true path), and who say that it is shirk (politeist) to recite mawlid in order to earn the consent of our Prophet: The book is authored by Abu Muhammad al-Viltorî, an Indian scholar.

The second booklet, (Bunyân al-marsûs), is about the superiorities of our Prophet and the legitimacy of reciting the mawlid and is authored by Abbas bin Muhaymid. Both booklets are Arabic.



This book (Al-Islâm wa sâir al-adyân) deals with the fundamental priciples of Islâm, Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism and Brahmanism in a comparative way. The nature of Qur’ân al-Kerîm and the Bible is explained, and the contradictions and defects of today’s gospels are documented by referring to the examples based on the Western sources.

In the book, it is proven that the religion of Islâm is not a religion of violence; Muslims are not ignorant and unclean; there is no philosophy in Islâm. The book refers to the statements of some well-known nonmuslim westerners who express their admiration to Islâm.



In this work, there are two separate books.

The first one is the book (Mukhtasaru(Tadhkirat al-Qurtûbî). It was written by Abdulwahhâb-i Sha’rânî. It is the summary of the book (Tadhkira) of Abû Abdullah Muhammad bin Ahmad Ansârî. It deals with the signs of qiyâmat, death situations, the life in grave and in the hereafter (questioning, Mîzan [scale to be set on the Day of Resurrection], Paradise and Hell). Abû Abdullah Muhammad bin Ahmad was a savant in Malikî Madhhab and passed away in 671 (1272 A.D.)

Abdulwahhâb-i Sha’rânî was a savant in Shafi’î Madhhab and passed away in 973 (1565 A.D.)

The second book is (Qurrat al-uyûn). It was written by Abullays-i Samarkandî. It gives information about the torture for those who omit performing salat and those who commit several sins, and the punishments for omission of visiting relatives and disobeying parents, and acts and attitudes against sons, daughters and wives, and about music.

Abullays-i Samarkandî passed away in 373 (983 A.D.)



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